
There is a tide in the affairs of men
Which, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune;
Omitted, all the voyage of their life
Is bound in shallows and in miseries.

William Shakespeare


If you are a first-time client, I will need to see your LinkedIn profile. I will browse in the private or anonymous mode.

Also, at our physical meeting, I will need to see a goverment-issued photo ID so I can match the name and face.


Please provide your full name, location, date, time and duration of the proposed booking.

I get pretty booked up out to six or eight weeks in advance, so if you are looking for something sooner, please give an alternative date and time that also works for you.

If the date and time check out, I will invoice to you the total fee, and provide two or three payment options.

Please note that until I receive a 20% deposit, non-refundable if you cancel for any reason, no booking is confirmed, and the date and time may be released to another client

Also note, that the remaining 80% must be paid no later than the START of our date.